Female Investment Professionals in US Private Equity

A Numerical Analysis and Opportunities for Further Exploration: September 2024 Edition

Columbia Business School, in collaboration with Three Cairns Group and Level20 are delighted to have produced this report; the largest published dataset of US private equity investment professionals, tracking women’s representation across more than 600 firms.

The data has been compiled exclusively from publicly available sources. In some cases, LinkedIn and firm websites may categorize investment professionals differently. Our efforts to compile a comprehensive dataset are ongoing, and we will continue refining it over the coming months, so do check back for updates.

As such, this report is in draft and will continue to be finalized over the coming months.

This data project…

  • …represents one of the largest and most comprehensive review to date of women’s representation on investment teams in US private equity
  • …uses data collected from publicly available sources
  • …analyzes data at an individual level, which allows for granular analysis over the long term
  • …will be updated moving forward so that trends can be identified and tracked over time with increasing levels of detail
  • …will provide the basis for a public benchmarking tool so firms can assess progress against peers in the same Assets Under Management (AUM) banding
  • …will make the database available to academics on a licensed basis for further research

Columbia Business School, Level 20 and Three Cairns Group jointly own the copyright and other intellectual property rights to this report. This report contains proprietary information and analysis. No part of this material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express, written prior authorization of, and credit to, Columbia Business School, Level 20 and Three Cairns Group. © 2024 Columbia Business School, Level 20, and Three Cairns Group. All rights reserved.

The opinions and information in this presentation are provided for informational purposes only and represent the current good-faith views of Columbia Business School, Level 20, and Three Cairns Group at the time of preparation. Although Columbia Business School, Level 20, and Three Cairns Group have used reasonable endeavors in compiling this report, they do not guarantee nor shall they be responsible for reliance upon its contents and shall not be liable for any false, inaccurate or incomplete information. Any reliance on the contents by the reader is at the reader’s sole risk.

Be sure to stay up to date with further insights as the report continues to be updated moving forward.

About Columbia Business School

Professor Michael Ewens and the Columbia Business School Private Equity Program.

Professor Michael Ewens is a faculty member in the Finance Division of Columbia Business School. He studies private equity and entrepreneurship, with a focus on discrimination and financial intermediation. He is co-director of Columbia Business School’s Private Equity Program, which serves as the Business School’s primary point of contact with the private equity industry, unifying students, alumni, and the business community into a single network.

Find out more here.

About Three Cairns Group

Three Cairns Group is a philanthropic investment firm primarily focused on the climate crisis. We believe in bold climate action that empowers people and communities to thrive in a rapidly changing world. While our primary focus is the urgent challenge of climate change, we also support a number of initiatives including strengthening democracy, mental health, and gender equity in private equity.

Find out more here.

About Level 20 

Level 20 is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving gender representation in private equity. Our mission is to inspire women to join and succeed in private equity, and to work with industry leaders to increase the share of women working in senior positions, particularly investment roles, to at least 20%. Level 20’s activities across Europe, including mentoring programs and research, all focus on attracting, retaining and promoting women in private equity and venture capital.

Find out more here.